Settle consignments

When to use this procedure

Use this procedure to settle with a consignor for merchandise sold.

Refer to Settle consignments in batch mode for details on settling with multiple consignors at one time.

Steps to complete

  1. On the Modules menu, point to Inventory, then to Consignment & Purchase, then click Settle Consignment. The Pick Customer window displays.
  2. Search for or select a customer and click Select. The Settle Consignment window displays.
  3. Verify and update, if necessary, the customer and store location in the Account and Location boxes.
  4. Verify and update, if necessary, the settlement date in the Date box.
  5. Select the check boxes in the Select column of the Select Consigned Items grid for each item you want to settle with the consignor.
  6. If necessary, click in the Select Consigned Items grid to update the Consign % and Consign Amt columns.
  7. Click Save. The Return Payments window displays where you can enter your payments to the consignor.

Did you know? You can right-click in the Select Consigned Items grid to select all consigned items or to clear all the Select check boxes.

To quickly enter today's date, press T on your keyboard. To quickly back-date or forward-date by one day, use the Hyphen key (-) and Equal key (=) on your keyboard (alternatively, use the Minus Sign and Plus Sign keys on your keyboard number pad). To quickly back-date or forward-date by one month, use the Page Up and Page Down keys on your keyboard.